We cannot prevent unfortunate events from happening but we can ease the financial strain they cause. As you may be burdened with additional difficulties should you suffer from
About A‑InvestLink
A-InvestLink is an investment-linked plan that is designed to help you maximise the return on your investments.
It offers you the freedom to invest in a diverse suite of funds, with access to investment opportunities both locally and abroad.
What Does It Provided?
Freedom To Invest
Enjoy the freedom to increase your investment by topping up at your convenience or schedule a regular top up through our A-Plus Saver. You may also withdraw the money from your policy as your circumstances change.
Automatic Fund Rebalancing
You do not have to worry about constantly monitoring your funds as we will automatically balance your funds based on your investment goals.
Boost Your Investment Value
Enjoy higher premium allocation when your single premium or non-regular top-up amount is RM50,000 or more.
Death Benefit
This plan provides your family with a lump sum payment if you pass away.
Total And Permanent Disability Benefit
You will receive a lump sum payment if you suffer total and permanent disability (TPD).
Investment-Linked Funds To Match Your Needs
You can choose how your money is invested by changing funds whenever you want, at no cost.
A Closer Look At The Benefits
Becoming a parent is one of the most joyful moments in your life. Having a child changes you in many surprising ways, and we’d like to provide you with the comfort and security that you need on your journey through parenthood.