A-Commercial Plus

We cannot prevent unfortunate events from happening but we can ease the financial strain they cause. As you may be burdened with additional difficulties should you suffer from disability or critical illness. 

About A-Commercial Plus

You’ve spent years building up your business. The last thing you want is for an unexpected event to wipe out in an instant all that you have laboured and invested in over the years. This plan protects your business and the building it operates from so you have a financial safety net to cope with the impact if the unthinkable happens to your business.

What Does It Provided?


This plan protects the building your business operates from if there is a fire, explosion, damages caused by burst water pipes, malicious acts and other unexpected events.


Your business will be covered if a theft or forced entry into/exit from the building causes loss or damage to items such as equipment, furniture and stock kept within the property.


Your business will be covered if a theft or burglary attempt causes financial loss or damage to the building. This includes money stolen from a safe, strongroom, cash register or while in the midst of being brought into or out of the property.


This covers you and your employees if an accident within the building results in death or injury. You may receive an additional payout of RM10,000 if a robbery in the building causes the death of an employee or forces any one of them to lose a limb or lose use of their limbs.

A Closer Look At The Benefits

A-Life Signature is a regular premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP) which covers death and Total and Permanent Diasbility (TPD). It offers high protection with a minimum coverage amount of RM500,000.You may choose from various premium payment and coverage terms that suit your needs.This plan gives you the flexibility to withdraw early or to top-up your investment amount based on your needs. In addition, you can also enjoy critical illness coverage at additional cost.


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