Our fast-paced and demanding lifestyles have led to a significant increase in the number of illnesses and diseases. Additionally, when long term recovery is required, your income may also be affected. Protect your health, your income and your family today. 

About A-Life Lady360

A-Life Lady360 is a comprehensive female plan that meets your protection needs. This plan provides you with life insurance benefits along with a number of first-in-market features specially designed for women.

When you purchase A-Life Lady360 and sign up as an AIA Vitality member, you’ll get an additional bonus every year, called the Yearly Cash Bonus. You will receive this bonus as a reward for your healthy choices, and may get a cash bonus of up to 50% of your basic premium paid every year.

So join AIA Vitality, our unique insurance and health programme that active supports and rewards you for making healthy choices.

What Does It Provided?

Bundle Of Joy

As a A-Life Lady360 customer, you can enjoy the privilege of securing coverage for your child without going through medical underwriting if your pregnancy is less than 14 weeks – by choosing A-Life Joy plan and A-Plus BabyCare rider.

Gift Of Joy

Expecting mothers who purchase a new A-Life Joy plan will receive a cash reward amounting to 1% of the coverage amount. If you attach A-Plus BabyCare to the policy, we will pay you a total of 3% of the coverage amount!

Comprehensive Female Cancer Protection

Being diagnosed with cancer is challenging – physically, emotionally and financially. A-Life Lady360 covers you against female cancers from the early stages onwards, ensuring that you are financially secure so that you can focus on treatment and recovery.

Female Care Benefit

To make sure you’re fully taken care of, A-Life Lady360 includes extensive female care benefits and is the first plan in the market to provide a one-off payment for medical complications that arise due to elective cosmetic surgery, hormone replacement therapy for menopause, psychotherapy treatment for anxiety disorder or depression disorder.

Female Pregnancy Benefit

This plan covers you for a wide range of pregnancy complications.

Cash Reward

We want to celebrate the important milestones in your life by giving you a cash reward for these auspicious events particularly marriage, childbirth and golden age. Total cash reward is up to 12% of your coverage amount!

Maturity Benefit

When your plan matures at age 80, we will pay you 150% of your coverage amount to celebrate this significant milestone in your life.

Yearly Cash Bonus

You can enjoy a Yearly Cash Bonus without having to pay additional premiums when you purchase A-Life Lady360 and sign up as an AIA Vitality member. The first Yearly Cash Bonus is 10% of the basic premium you have paid for this plan.

A Closer Look At The Benefits

Becoming a parent is one of the most joyful moments in your life. Having a child changes you in many surprising ways, and we’d like to provide you with the comfort and security that you need on your journey through parenthood.


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