Misfortune strikes when you least expect. Protect yourself and ensure you have the financial support in the event of an accident. 

About Anniversary PA

No matter what age, how healthy or fit you are, a serious accident can change your life. A personal accident plan provides valuable peace of mind by taking care of the financial implications should your circumstances change after an accident.

What Does It Provided?

Support Through The Worst

If you suffer a serious injury such as loss of limb or loss of use of your limbs within a year after an accident, you will receive a lump sum payout to help you cope with the impact. Should you pass away due to the accident, your family will receive a lump sum payout to help them through the times ahead.

Medical Protection

We will ensure that you are well covered by reimbursing you for medical and surgical expenses incurred in the first year after the accident.

Hospital Benefit

If you are hospitalised due to an accident, you will be reimbursed for up to 365 days spent in the hospital.

Dengue Shield

Your family will receive a lump sum payment if the unthinkable should happen and you lose your life due to dengue fever.

A Closer Look At The Benefits

Becoming a parent is one of the most joyful moments in your life. Having a child changes you in many surprising ways, and we’d like to provide you with the comfort and security that you need on your journey through parenthood.


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